Meet the PECUS partners! #1

Today, archaeologists Yiannis and Tina from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens share some findings of their research project in Eastern Crete, where they are excavating a monumental Neopalatial building and surveying the surrounding hinterland, with extensive evidences of past, pastoral economies and a historic alternation of seasonal and permanent habitation connected to animal husbandry practices.
This picture shows an aerial view of the Late Bronze Age building, found at an altitude of 900 m at a site called Gaidourophas.
Yiannis Papadatos is Associate Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology in the Department of History and Archaeology.
Tina Kalantzopoulou is Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Prehistoric Archaeology in the same Department.
For more details about this research, download the PECUS case study sheet.

June 1, 2021