Meet the PECUS partners! #2

Today, U-Space srl presents the activities of the GREENCHANGE project, co-financed by EU’s LIFE programme.
GREENCHANGE intends to contribute to halting the loss in biodiversity and enhancing the ecological value of the agricultural systems of Agro Pontino (Lazio, Italy) and the northern region of Malta, by planning and implementing Green Infrastructures and multifunctional actions in rural, semi-natural and natural areas.
Project activities include mapping and assessment of ecosystem services, governance initiatives involving local stakeholders, environmental restoration of green infrastructures such as channels, wetlands, natural parks, windbreaks and rubble walls, as well as awareness-raising, communication and networking actions.
U-Space is co-financing partner together with the Province of Latina, Poliedra, CIRF, Confagricoltura, and MIEMA for the Maltese area.
This picture by Giovanni Mastrobuoni shows the landscape of Agro Pontino, once part of a vast system of wetlands then reclaimed for agricultural purposes.
For more details please visit the project website.

August 11, 2021